
Life is just one thing after another. Pattern, predictability, and Jelly.

Life is just one thing after another. Pattern, predictability, and Jelly.

Our brains are built for pattern-making, and pattern-making allows us to predict. To say what will happen next and act accordingly. It's a survival and a learning mechanism. Predictability of pattern or sequence gives us the power to accept or change our future. It’s all part of our creative thinking minds.

How to get what you want! Your Reticular Activation System

How to get what you want! Your Reticular Activation System

I have often wondered how it is that we can focus on one thing rather than another, why we can sometimes focus so clearly that we exclude all other distractions. Like internet algorithms, It turns out that we have a system in our brains that does just that. The Reticular Activation System.

4 ways to get more creativity into your life, using the only 2 things you can control.

4 ways to get more creativity into your life, using the only 2 things you can control.

· Creative thinking is something we all want in our lives, but often don’t think they’re are capable of it.

· Most people think creative thinking is just not for them, that it’s a mystical magic force.

· Most people think creativity is a talent you are born with, so they don’t even try.