
creative design, innovative thinking process and application

Design, creative & Innovative thinking and some neuroscience

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7 Books You Should Read!

Yuval Noah Harari. Sapiens. A brief History of Humankind. Vintage 2015. This book is a wonderful, insightful view of how we got to where we are and everything in between.

Edward De Bono. Lateral Thinking. Penguin 1977. Seminal work on thinking differently. Changed the landscape of creative thinking.

Will Storr. The Science of Storytelling. William Collins 2019. A wonderful blend of neuroscience and storytelling which explains why we are compelled to tell stories.

James Clear Atomic Habits, tiny changes remarkable results Avery 2018. James Clear is one of the foremost authorities on why we form habits. Worth checking out his blog as well.

Rory Sutherland. Alchemy. The surprising Power of Ideas that don’t make Sense. WH Allen 2019. Former Ogilvy executive who’s insights offer deep thinking about the strange way we behave.

David Eagleman, Anthony Brandt. The Runaway Species. How Human Creativity Remakes The World. Canongate 2017. Easy, accessible entry into the neuroscience of the creative mind. Not too technical.

Earl Nightingale. The Strangest Secret. Merchant Books 2013. How can something so simple be so right! This very short book get right down to the fundamentals of the meaning of success.

Creative & Design

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Creativity, the psychology of discovery and invention. Harper. 1997

Donald A Norman. Emotional Design, Why we love (or hate) everyday things Basic books 2004

Edward De Bono. Lateral Thinking. Penguin 1977

Twyla Tharp. The Creative Habit. Learn it and Use It For Life. Simon & Schuster 2006

Tom Kelley. Creative Confidence. Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All. William Collins 2013

Tom Kelley. The Art of Innovation. Profile Books 2010

Clayton Christensen et al. The Innovators DNA. Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Thinkers. Harvard Business Review 2011

Rory Sutherland. Alchemy, The Surprising Power of Ideas that Don’t Make Sense. WH Allen 2019

Malcolm Gladwell. Blink. The Power of Thinking without Thinking. Penguin 2006

Malcolm Gladwell. The Tipping Point. How little things can make a big difference. Abacus 2000

David Bohm. On Creativity. Routledge 1996

John Hegarty. On Creativity, There Are No Rules. Thames & Hudson 2015

Betty Edwards. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Souvenir Press 2013

Julia Cameron. The Artist’s Way. Souvenir Press 2007

Jonah Lehrer. Imagine. How Creativity Works. Cannongate 2012

Rod Judkins. The Art of Creative Thinking. Sceptre 2016

Shelley Carson, Jossey-Bass Your Creative Brain: Seven Steps to Maximize Imagination, Productivity, and Innovation in Your Life, Brain Basics and Beyond 2012

Kevin Ashton. How to Fly a Horse. The Secret History of Creation, Invention and Discovery. Windmill 2015

Chris Griffiths, Melina Costi. The Creative Thinking Handbook. Kogan Page 2019

Michael Michalko. Thinkertoys. A Creative Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques. Ten Speed Press 2006

Tony Buzan. Mind Maps for Business. Pearson 2014

Stephen Johnson. Where Good Ideas Come From. The Seven Patterns of Innovation. Penguin 2010

Dave Trott. Creative Mischief. - One and One Make Three. - Predatory Thinking. Various 2009, 2014, 2015,

Dave Gray, Sunni Brown, James Macanufo. Game Storming, A Playbook for Innovators, Rulebreakers and Changemakers. O’Reilly 2010

Arthur Koestler. The Act of Creation. Pan Piper 1966


Christopher Booker. The Seven Basic Plots. Why We Tell Stories. Bloomsbury 2004

John Yorke. Into The Woods. How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them. Penguin 2013

Syd Field. The Screenwriter’s Workbook. Exercises and Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating a successful Screenplay. Screenplay. Foundations of Screenwriting. Delta 1984

Jonathan Gottschall. The Storytelling Animal. How Stories Make Us Human. Mariner 2012

Will Storr. The Science of Storytelling. William Collins 2019

Bruno Bettleheim. The Uses of Enchantment. The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. Penguin 1975

Lisa Cron. Wired For Story. The Writers Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence. Ten Speed Press 2012

Donald Miller. Building a Story Brand. Clarify Your Message So Customers will Listen. Harper Collins 2017

Campbell, Joseph. The hero with a thousand faces. Vol. 17. New World Library, 2008.

Habits & Behavior

James ClearAtomic Habits, tiny changes remarkable results Avery 2018. James Clear is one of the foremost authorities on why we form habits.

Barry Schwartz. The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, , Harper Perennial 2005

Daniel Kahnemann. Thinking fast and slow, Penguin 2012, [Pure genius, behavioral economics].

David Brooks. The Social Animal. A Story of How Success Happens. Short Books.

Brands & Marketing

Lindström, Martin. Buyology: truth and lies about why we buy. Random House LLC, 2010.

Martin Lindstrom, Brand Sense: Sensory Secrets Behind the Stuff We Buy, Free Press; 2010

Rory Sutherland. Alchemy. The surprising Power of Ideas that don’t make Sense. WH Allen 2019

Seth Godin. Purple Cow. Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable. Penguin 2002

David Kapron. Retail (r)Evolution, Why Creating Right-Brained Stores Will Shape the Future of Shopping in a Digitally Driven World. ST Books 2014

Grant Cordone. The 10X Rule. Wiley 2011

Gary Keller. The One Thing. The Surprising Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results. John Murray 2013

Daniel Pink. To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others, Riverhead Hardcover 2012

Russel Brunson (ClickFunnels). Expert Secrets, The Underground Playbook. -&- Dotcom Secrets, The Underground Playbook for Growing your Business Online. Morgan James 2017

Dan Roam. Show and Tell. How Everybody Can Make Extraordinary Presentations. -&-Blah, Blah, Blah. When Words Don’t Work. Portfolio Penguin 2014

Bill Glazer. Outrageous. Multi-Step Marketing Campaigns, That are Outrageously Successful. Bright Flame

McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding media: The extensions of man. MIT press, 1994.

Brain and Neuroscience

Joseph Ledoux The Emotional Brain Phoenix 1998 (almost too much detail, but really worth the insights)

Antonio Damasio. Self Come To Mind. Constructing the Conscious Brain. Vintage 2010

Antonio Damasion. The Feeling of What Happens. Body, Emotion and the Making of Consciousness. Vintage 1999

Antonio Damasio. The Strange Order of Things. Life, Feeling and the Making of Cultures. Pantheon 2018

Antonio Damasio. Descartes Error. Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain. Vintage 2006

Michael ShermerThe Believing Brain. From Spiritual Faiths to Political Convictions - How We Construct Beliefs and Reinforce Them as Truths. Robinson 2011 (about the relationship we have with beliefs in the context of neuroscience (one of my favourites)

Dr. A.K. Pradeep. The Buying Brain: Secrets for Selling to the Subconscious Mind, Wiley 2010

Michael Gazzaniga. Who’s in Charge. Free Will and the Science of the Brain. Robinson 2012

John Bargh. Before you know it. The Unconscious Reasons We Do What We Do. William Heinemann 2017 (this came out about a year ago and is all about how we act first and then think)

Tali Sharot. The Optimism Bias. Why We’re Wired to Look On The Bright Side. Robinson 2012

Carol Dwek. Mindset. Changing the Way You Think to Fulfill Your Potential. Robinson 2017

Lisa Feldman Barrett. How Emotions are Made. The Secret Life of the Brain. Macmillan 2017

Dan Ariely. The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty. Harper 2012

David Eagleman, Anthony Brandt. The Runaway Species. How Human Creativity Remakes The World. Canongate 2017

Rodolfo R. Llinas. i of the Vortex, From Neurons to Self. MIT 2001

Bell, Catherine. Ritual theory, ritual practice. Oxford University Press, 1992.

Grimes, Ronald. Beginnings in Ritual Studies. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2010,

Huizinga, Johan. Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture. Beacon Press, 1971

Panksepp, Jaak. Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions. Oxford university press, 1998.

Rifkin, Jeremy. The empathic civilization: The race to global consciousness in a world in crisis. Penguin, 2009.

McGilchrist, Iain. The master and his emissary: the divided brain and the making of the western world. Yale University Press, 2009.

Pink, Daniel H. A whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the future. Penguin, 2006.

Speer, Nicole K., et al. “Reading stories activates neural representations of visual and motor experiences.” Psychological Science 20.8 (2009): 989-999.

MacLean, Paul D. The triune brain in evolution: Role in paleocerebral functions. Springer, 1990.

Sebastian Seung – Connectome: see

Also see -

Seung, Sebastian. Connectome: How the brain’s wiring makes us who we are. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012.

Alivisatos, A. P., et al. “The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics.” Neuron 74.6 (2012): 970-4.

Gershon, Michael D. “The second brain: the scientific basis of gut instinct and a groundbreaking new understanding of nervous disorders of the stomach and intestines.” Harper Collins 1998

Doidge, Norman. The brain that changes itself: Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. Penguin, 2007.

Siegel, Daniel J. Mindsight: The new science of personal transformation. Random House LLC, 2010.

For more on expressions of emotions in humans and animals,